reality vs non-sense?! stuff?! just feelings though!

segunda-feira, maio 30, 2005

Portuguese or EUropean ? Both ? maybe... Posted by Hello

did Siddhartha had that kind of behaviour ? :) Posted by Hello

O cheiro...

Ela passeia pela Lisboa de hoje e ainda sente.
Sente aquele ambiente e aquele cheiro, se bem que tambem sente o cheiro novo.
Sente o cheiro a religiao.
O cheiro novo, esse, sente aqui e ali, numa esquina ou outra.
Esse cheiro novo vem de longe, provem das novas ideias, das novas teorias e esta definitivamente ligado aos que ja o encontraram e que o trazem aos poucos.
O cheiro a religiao, esse, vagueia pelas ruas, pelas pessoas, pelos dizeres, pelos pensamentos, pelas hipocrisias irreversiveis, ainda pelo pobre, ainda pelo rico, pelo rio.
Cheiro que nao se soltará da cidade assim tao depressa.
Este cheiro ficará impregnado durante muito tempo, por muitas e muitas geracoes, ainda que reduzido.
Ela cheira-o e sente-o em quase toda a parte. Porem, ao penetrar no Eu de muitas pessoas, de muitas coisas, de muitas flores e santos, deveria ser perceptivel que o cheiro nao deixa de ser falso. Esta preso a tudo e todos.
Esse Deus que tanto falam esta em tudo e todos.
Quem e' ele? Onde anda ele? No ceu?
De cecerto que nao.
Dizem que anda nas coisas e nos seres... Ela nunca o viu, nunca o sentiu.
So sente a ela propria, e mesmo assim nem sempre.
Como poderia sentir ou acreditar na presenca de outro ser invisivel, que, pelo que dizem ate tem uma historia? Se bem que nao passam de lendas e tradicao oral.
Infelizmente, lendas essas que mudaram o mundo e o monopolizaram.
Ela denota que seculos e seculos foram perdidos com este cheiro nauseabundo que se consegue cheirar e bem.
Seculos perdidos na descoberta e na introspeccao deste Deus e de outros a si ligados.
Seculos que poderiam ter sido aproveitados para desenvolver o que esta dentro d' Ela e de todos os Eles.
O Eu e' o verdadeiro Deus.
Nao sao as historias, as doutrinas, os ensinamentos fundamentados no nada e os seres inexistentes que vao fazer com que Ela ou Eles avancem.Essas historias, doutrinas, ensinamentos e seres vao, porem, fazer com que Ela regrida e crie em si sentimentos negativos e corrosivos perante a sociedade.
Isto tudo nas ruas de Lisboa...

20's !

it's all about twenties!
it is the extreme, the independence and the interest.
we want our hair completely blond or completely black.
we want it completely bigger or completely shorter.
we want to travel around New Zealand or we want to travel around South America.
we want to travel with a bagpack or we want to stay in luxury.
we want to study, to work, to live in our own schedule just to finish it more quickly. or we only want to throw everything away and calm down here or everywhere.
we want to be with friends or family. or we want to be alone, or with strangers.
we want to go to the beach or we want to go to the snow.
we want a boyfriend or we just don't want nobody around us... just someone ready to kiss us when we want to or someone to fuck with.
we want to listen the new metal. or we want to listen the disco sound.
we want to visit the church or we want to visit a gay club.
we want to drink water or we want to smoke a joint.
we want to eat mc donald's or we want to eat a vegetarian dish.
we want to be in the city or we want to be in the middle of nowhere.
we want to start yoga classes or we want to star body-pump classes with our friend.
we want to buy magazines or we just want to buy the book.
we want to watch CNN or we want to turn the tv off.
we want to laugh or we want to chill out.
we want everything or we want nothing!
they call us: naiive, innocent and sceptical. sometimes they call us lost people.
they call us everything because they can't imagine what is happening in our minds in this generation.
all the toys have been discovered yet, all the essence have been used and now is being re-used, although we always keep trying to inovate it.
and the baby will come... one day.

Do you know where you are coming from ?

Oh, do you know where you're coming from?
Hey, nothing is as clear!
Imagine in your mind, oasis.
Far awide beyond our living. Sure enough I'm tired out trying.
Hang on when this world is spinning.
I was left out, there was no light, there was no sound, here in the dark fishing around for meaning but, I had to ask someone I knew not so far away from where I was.
She said... hey! Do you know where you're comin' from?
Hey! Do you know... now where you're going to?
She said... hey! Have you been... somewhere you've never ever been before? I said well... nothing is as clear!
Nothing is as clear without holding hand to gently guide you.
Once that disapeared but it's so close now that I'm here beside you.
I was left down, there was no light, there was no sound here in the dark fishing around for meaning... I had to ask someone I knew not so far away from where I was.
She said... hey! Do you know where you're comin' from?
Hey! Do you know... now where you're going to?
She said...hey! Have you been... somewhere you've never been before?... now nothing is as clear.
Oh, do you know, now where you're going to?
She said... hey, do you know now where you're coming from?
Hey, have you been somewhere you've never ever been before?...nothing is as clear!

I was left down! I was left down! I was left down!...

Imagine in your mind, oasis.
Far awide beyond our living. Sure enough I'm tired out trying to hang on when this world is spinning, I was left out there was no light, there was no sound here in the dark fishin' around for meaning but, I had to ask someone I knew not so far away from where I was.
She said... oh! Do you know where you're comin' from?
Hey! Do you know... where you're going to?
Hey! Have you been... somewhere you've never been before?
Oh, now nothing can ever be so clear.

[ Jamiroquai - " do you know where you're coming from? " ]


triste triste triste. triste tristeza tristemente desoladora. desola desoladamente a fantasia.
fantasia, essa fantastica e entusiasmante "realidade". "realidade", tao fantastica e tao entusiasmente quanto "irreal".
"irreal" sendo fantasia e sonho, nao sendo entao a verdade.
verdade que e' sonho e e' fantastico.
verdade que e' realidade e e' entusiasmante.
futuro que traz a realidade entusiasta, ou a irrealidade fantasiadora?
decerto a realidade fantastica que se vai abrindo e que se vai tornando em entusiasmante.
entusiasmante e sempre fantastica.
sempre fantastica, porem desoladora... que desola desoladamente.
que acaba tristemente entrando na tristeza sempre triste... da maldita "realidade".


Confidence is a preference for the habitual voyeur of what is known as...And morning soup can be avoided if you take a route straight through what is known as...John's got brewers droop he gets intimidated by the dirty pigeons they love a bit of it...Who's that gut lord marching... you should cut down on your porklife mate... get some exercise!I get up when I want except on wednesdays when I get rudely awakened by the dustmen...I put my trousers on, have a cup of tea and I think about leaving the house ...I feed the pigeons I sometimes feed the sparrows too it gives me a sense of enormous well being...And then I'm happy for the rest of the day safe in the knowledge there will always be a bit of my heart devoted to it...Parklife !!!

[Blur "Parklife']


i saw him once again today. there he was, dressing his yellow shirt and green sneakers. taking her home by hand. i saw him in a second. it was so quick. so fast. so funny. so everything. weird though! we almost laugh. we almost talk. we almost touch. our eyes looked at the same direction. oh boy, i know that. i am so right. what for? no answers. so confusing. i ran all this time with a bean, and now i have so many beans to count and to think about that i don't know which one i'm going to choose or which one i might get along with. these beans have different colours, different positions, different statues, different sizes. but all of them smile, all of them sing, all of them breathe, all of them get bored sometimes for being too close. and there he was again, as long as he wanted to. maybe he would like to know more about me and all of my beans, but i don't know yet. nonsense!


Toda a gente tem a mania que agora sabe escrever alguma coisa e que ate pode e consegue manter um blog activo porque tem piada, porque e' moda, porque acham interessante.
Os politicos têm um blog; os advogados têm um blog; as tias têm um blog; os professores têm um blog; as empresas têm um blog; os grupos musicais têm um blog; os estudantes têm um blog; eu tenho um blog; e tu tambem tens um blog que eu sei bem. De qualquer forma se nao tens, es curioso e vieste espreitar mais este.
Yes, you do have one or you are just one of those who wants to take a look at the last blog in the market.
"Porque e' que eu tenho um blog?"
Por momentos uma daquelas respostas tipicas dos miudos tende a sair-me ca para fora : "Ah, sei la... pronto nao sei, apeteceu-me, percebes? O x e o y tambem tinham um e entao eu resolvi criar o meu... percebes?"
Eu ate gosto de escrever, eu ate gosto de ler, eu ate gosto de colocar umas ideias na praça, eu ate gosto de opinar, eu ate gosto de criar teorias muito proprias, eu ate gosto de nao fazer nada, por isso eis aqui um blog! There's another blog... yeah that's right!
A net e' um instrumento tao envolto de intromissão, procura, descoberta e inconveniencia que chega a fazer impressao como consegue ser tambem individualista ao maximo, solitaria, triste e insatisfeita.
É deste misto e desta colisao de adjectivos que a (minha) vontade de criar um blog (ou sera blogue?) advem. Por um lado permite-nos escrever e publicar (ou sera 'postar'?) tudo o que nos apetecer sem tabus ou inibiçoes e por outro lado permite-nos o anonimato (se assim o desejarmos) total.
Let's do it again...